Jumat, 22 November 2013

[CUSTOM ROM] Ice Cold Jelly Untuk Galaxy Young

Sore blogger :) gmna kabarnya??? baik kan???
saya sekarang mu share Rom ICE COLD JELLY sebelumnya ane udah share


nah ini screen shot ICE COLD JELLY




Feautures :
  • What's New In ice cold jelly?
  • Very smooth and lightening fast 
  • all bugs fixed from previous rom 
  • revamped new ui 
  • all new bootanimation with awesome graphics [worth trying]
  • fix cpu control problem 
  • DSP manager 
  • 6 lockscreens [credits to the dev] 
  • added new extended power menu 
  • blue themed ui 
  • added adw launcher [free version]
  • removed all bloatwares 
  • HD call screen
  • camera- Clearer pictures like never before 
  • all new settings 
  • new dialer and contacts like that from cm7 
  • BRAVIA hack.. [i will provide it as a patch]
  • breath taking status bar with 14 toggles.. 
  • ics like popup msg 
  • get ics and cm7 taste 
  • apw with skin include 
  • added cool theme 
  • preinstalled fonts 
  • all apps themed 
  • cm camera added 
  • hells fusion included 
  • get full blue xperience
  • cool call screen 
  • new music player 
  • new search 
  • blue walls added 
  • market also blue
  • Various icons changes 
  • 1.Statusbar icons
  • 2.Call answer icons
  • 3.Incall graphics 
  • More animated 
  • notification icons 
  • and many more........
Bahan-bahan yang harus di Download:

ROM: Ice Cold Jelly


 Cara Instal 

  1. Pastikan Batre minimal 30%
  2. Download ROM Dan CWM Tadi
  3. Copy File ROM Dan CWM Tadi Ke SDcard
  4. Matikan HP Anda
  5. Masuk Ke Menu RECOVERY Dengan Cara Tekan Secara Bersamaan Tombol HOME+POWER+VOLUME UP
  6. Pilih Apply Update From SDcard
  7. Pilih CWM Lalu Kamu Akan Masuk Ke Menu CWM
  8. Setelah Selesai Pilih Wipe Data Lalu YES
  9. Kemudian Wipe Cache Lalu YES
  10.  Pilih Install Zip From SDCARD
  11. Pilih Choose Zip From SDCARD
  12. Pilih ice cold jelly-signed nokernel.zip
  13. Pilih YES
  14. Tunggu Sampai Proses Install Selesai
  15. kemudian Reboot
  16. Dan Selesai ....
Selamat mencoba :)

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Rabu, 20 November 2013


hallo sobat semua :-D
gmna kbar.a??? baik kan??
sebelum.a saya ngeshare rom DS V1 GALAXY Y
kali ini saya mu share costum rom yg udah ane coba yaitu XPERIA U !!
keren loh....
ini screen shot langsung dari gayong saya :)

Untuk fitur bisa dilihat, seperti berikut :

Fitur :
V1codename-gt-xperia-ubeta stageminimal apps

beanmoved from beta to stableall
fcs fixedtimescape
fixedall new appsall
xperia wallpapers
new cyanmobile
settingbravia engine
enableall new xtreme appspie
xperia boot
jb status bar with 35 toggleslandscape
bug fixed in statusbar
new lockscreen

*Proses Instalasi :*

1. Download :
cwm recovery

Rom V1

Rom V2

2. Taruh file tersebut di sd card.
3. Matikan ponsel, kemudian masuk recovery mode
4. Pilih apply update from sd card kemudian tekan tombol home.
5. Pilih cwm yang telah anda download tadi.
6. Pilih wipe data/reset tekan home lalu pilih yes.
7. Pilih wipe cache partition tekan home pilih yes.
8. Kalau udah pilih install zip from sd card kemudian pilih rom nya lalu instal.
9. Jika sudah tekan tombol home, kemudian masuk advanced lalu pilih reboot recovery.
10. Pilih wipe data / factory reset lalu pilih yes.
11. Pilih wipe cache partition.
12. Reboot system now.
13. Sampai disini baru sampai status bar.
14. Kembali lagi ke cwm flashing PATCH nya.
15. Reboot system now.
16. Sampai disini rom sukses diflash, tapi tunggu dulu balik lagi ke cwm
17. Flashing TWEAK nya
18. Reboot system.
19. Selesai !! Selamat GAYOUNG anda telah menjadi  ROM GT-Xperia U.

klo masihpusing bias lihat video di youtube disini
NB: untuk v2 bnyak force close

untuk tanya2 bisa hubungi saya di
Line bamus25

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twitter bamus25 

Jumat, 15 November 2013

[CUSTOM ROM] DS V1 Samsung Galaxy Y

Hallo sobat :)
Sorry ane udah lama ga ngepost soal.a pc ane ruksak :/ Hihihi
ane tdi udah ngeshare ROM yg bernama EVO-X4
Nah,, skarang saatnya share DS V1 Samsung Galaxy Y


Basic Feature:
-Init.d Tweaks added(U have to install a Custom Kernel to enable these)
-9 homescreens(thanks to pratyush.creed)
-Auto Sort in AppDrawer
-Dock with 5 Icons (thanks to pratyush.creed)

Advanced Feature:
-Settings Menu Re-Sorted(by d3cka)
-BlackWhite Trans UI(by d3cka)
-Faster Core(by CarlDeanCatabay,HCfroyd)
-Hidded Notification > Cleaner Statusbar!(by d3cka)
-Spaced Notification toggles for a Clean Look (d3cka ,SSSidGGG)
-Revamped UI (by SSSidGGG)
-Stock Based Perfomance Tweaks(by SSSidGGG)
-Customized Kuro Kernel (by kurotsugi,CoD )
-Extended Battery Life by 10% maybe less while using Data
-6 lockscreens
-EDT Tweaks


keren kannn????

1. Kalo udah semua, sekarang masuk ke recovery mode bawaan samsung atau CWM recovery. Caranya untuk anda yang di custom rom bisa reboot into recovery dari power menu, atau yang di stock rom bisa matiin HP dan pencet "Power button + Home button + Volume Up button" secara bersamaan sampe muncul Logo Galaxy Y. Tungguin aja ntar juga masuk ke CWM atau recovery bawaan.
2. kalo udah masuk ke recovery mode bawaan pilih "Apply update from sdcard" dan flash CWM.zipnya sampe anda masuk ke CWM recovery
3.  Kalo udah Wipe Data (lalu pilih yes) & Cache Partition (lalu pilih yes)

4. masuk ke Install update from sd card > choose > pilih file KERNEL yg tdi di download dan flas, kemudian kembali (go back).
 5. masuk ke Install update from sd card > choose > pilih file ROM  DS V1-nya dan flash. Kemudian tunggu hingga proses instalasi kelar.
6. Reboot device (Handphone-nya)
7. FINISH......

klo mu tanya2 hubungi ane di
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[CUSTOM ROM] [2.3.6] Evo-x 4.2.0 for Samsung Galaxy Y(GT-S5360)

    Hallo sobat :)
Sorry ane udah lama ga ngepost soal.a pc ane ruksak :/ Hihihi
ane kmarin udah ngeshare PENGHEMAT BATRE
Nah,, skarang saatnya share ROM yg bernama EVO-X4

  1. New evo preferences
  2. change statusbar layout between normal/pseudo-phablet/pseudo-tablet view
  3. Set any color and transparency for statusbar
  4. Set any color and transparency for notification pulldown background
  5. Show/Hide battery in pulldown
  6. Three panels in phablet view including notification,quicksettings,slider controls
  7. Two panel view (android 4.2) in normal and tablet layout
  8. Aokp look-alike 6 toggles with show/hide option
  9. Hide/Show, color clocks in both expanded and statusbar
  10. Show/hide day of week in expanded
  11. Change color of quicksettings toggles
  12. Change color of quicksettings text
  13. Set user display picture and name
  14. Hide/show 15 toggles
  15. Show/hide slider controls
  16. New messaging app
  17. New contacts app
  18. New calendar app
  19. New myfiles app
  20. Better phone.apk
  21. Better dialer
  22. New music player
  23. Holo launcher
  24. Better settings app
  25. Better Gmail app
Screen Shoot

 Kepengenkan??? silahkan download di bawah
Evo-x 4.2.0 for Samsung Galaxy Y(GT-S5360)

ini sudah ane coba!!!!!

1. Download dulu CWM recovery klo anda belum punya ambil DISINI
2. Kalo udah semua, sekarang masuk ke recovery mode bawaan samsung atau CWM recovery. Caranya untuk anda yang di custom rom bisa reboot into recovery dari power menu, atau yang di stock rom bisa matiin HP dan pencet "Power button + Home button + Volume Up button" secara bersamaan sampe muncul Logo Galaxy Y. Tungguin aja ntar juga masuk ke CWM atau recovery bawaan.
3. kalo udah masuk ke recovery mode bawaan pilih "Apply update from sdcard" dan flash CWM.zipnya sampe anda masuk ke CWM recovery
4.  Kalo udah Wipe Data (lalu pilih yes) & Cache Partition (lalu pilih yes)
5. masuk ke Install update from sd card > choose > pilih file ROM  EVO-X 4-nya dan flash. Kemudian tunggu hingga proses instalasi kelar.
6. Reboot device (Handphone-nya)
7. FINISH......

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twitter @bamus25
line id bamus25
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